The Heart of CRI
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is
‘What are you doing for others?’”.
~Martin Luther King Jr.~
Created as an organization committed to service to the youth of our community, Community Resources, Inc. could NEVER have existed for 52 years without the support of hundreds and hundreds of volunteers who give of themselves for the benefit of others!!
YOU are the RESOURCE in Community Resources. Whether you serve as a mentor for a student, make a presentation in a classroom, serve pizza at a family night, judge a science fair, share your musical talents, point the way to a possible career, read stories to children, or however you contribute…you make a difference every time you volunteer.
It seems so appropriate during Volunteer Appreciation Month to say a big THANK YOU to each of our wonderful volunteers. Your service is a testimony to the person you are and a commitment to the future of our world.
With gratitude,
Sue Edwards
Executive Director