
In the face of uncertainty,

There is nothing wrong with hope.

O. Carl Simonton

As Community Resources Inc. moves into the 2021-22 school year, the word uncertainty could certainly be used to define the current situation.  Will students be “in school”?  Will we be able to bring live presenters to schools?  Will presenters be willing and able to share their knowledge and enthusiasm?  Will volunteers be allowed in the schools?  Are funders willing to support our efforts? 

But the word hope also resonates.  The hope we have at CRI is not a passive one, i.e., “Let’s just hope that things work out somehow.”  Instead, our hope is tethered to a position of optimism and commitment.  CRI has not survived and served for nearly 50 years from a position of fear.  To the contrary, our commitment to serving the students and families of Denver Public Schools has kept us focused and moving forward, despite uncertain times and situations.  No doubt the current pandemic has significantly affected our work.  But it has also moved us to develop new programs and utilize new technologies to safely bring quality programs to classrooms and families. 

So, we have let go of the “life” that we had planned and the way things were.  We are moving ahead enthusiastically into the “life” that lies ahead.  Please join us!!

Adrienne Yang