The Kids Need This!

“THE KIDS NEED THIS” was the cry of the members of the Arts for Kids committee of the Assistance League of Denver (ALD). For many years, ALD, in partnership with Community Resources, Inc. (CRI), has provided wonderfully rich Art Days for elementary and K-8 schools in Denver and Aurora Public Schools (DPS and APS). These Art Days bring 20+ live artisans into the schools to introduce students to the exciting and varied world of “The Arts”.

However, the pandemic and its impact on the schools has been significant. There was no way to bring the richness of a typical Art Day to the schools, but “The kids need this!” reflected the desire of ALD to continue to enrich the lives of students with arts programming.

So, thanks to the flexibility and creativity of our artistic partners and the funding provided by ALD, CRI created virtual Art Experiences. Seven schools within DPS and APS have enjoyed live interactive programs this spring. Presenters included Central City Opera, Inside the Orchestra, Bella Diva Dance, the Denver Zoo, Wild Beautiful Orchestra, and many wonderful individuals who shared puppeteering, origami, dance and movement, world drumming, Irish dancing, and more.

The kids danced by their desks and in their homes. They drew pictures of live animals and practiced breathing like an opera singer. They learned about cellos and tubas. They laughed at silly puppets and folded origami paper into a drinking cup.

Assistance League Denver was right. “THE KIDS NEEDED THAT!”  


Assistance League Denver is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to transform the lives of children and adults. Through its Operation School Bell they provide new clothing for children throughout our school district. Their Arts for Kids program, in partnership with Community Resources, Inc., has provided wonderful Art Days for elementary and K-8 schools in our community for many years.

Adrienne Yang